I realize I have not posted a blog in a long time. It is one of those items that fell off the list each month. This post is not legal in nature but a reflection of my first year as Kendall Law.
While it is scary almost every day it has been the best move for me and my family. I met my goal for the number of clients for the fiscal year already and 53% to my dollar goal (which was pretty lofty). We have time to travel and do fun things and now that school has started I have time to be more hands on with homework.
I had no idea what to expect when I started and just hit to ground running. Lots of lunches, coffee meetings and just getting out there to talk to everyone and anyone about my new practice. Each month as been as good as the last or better. September has started really slow and it may be a low month. The good thing is that a slow month means I make about what I made as by base salary working 8-5 all day.
I cannot thank my husband enough for believing in me and supporting me in this. He does still joke that all I do is watch tv all day and “party” (I have a lot of happy hours for networking). This jump has been liberating. Mind you I am still terrified every day that I am not going to get any clients and make any money or that I am going to screw up a case. I just have to remind myself that I have been doing this for 14 years and I am pretty good at it. I am a much happier person being my own boss.
As I go into the second year I need to refocus on how to grow the business and expand. Here is to finishing this fiscal year strong and getting a game plan in place to make 2018 even better than 2017!
Author: Eileen Kendall